Art & Artist

(The daily life, Installations)


8 installations of antique wood and metal objects, labelled with one glorious quote of art each, opposed to the character, aura and charisma of the corresponding object. Grouped as individual satellite installations around the core installation with the huge board.

Art & Artist (Ars infinita)

The core installation is a monumental 10x6.5 feet board, constructed of antique glass from 1850 with over 150 contemporary and historical quotes about art.


Latest project:


Installation of 5 over 100 year old prison doors of Hamburg, Germany with 110 current and past newspaper reports.

Installation: 20x7 feet, oak on metal stand. Reports: Original newspaper on cardboard 15x24 inches, vintage prints and antique fbi wanted posters. Newspaper reports dealing with artists being imprisoned or accused for political reasons such as Ai Weiwei or for real crimes